I’ve been asked this type of question several times so I’ve decided to write a short blog post explaining why there aren’t any negative reviews on Cuddle Fairy.
As you probably know, Cuddle Fairy is all about positivity. Having a positive mindset and looking at the bright side of life is what my blog focuses on. I take that positivity into my reviews as well. I’m really not interested in writing any negative reviews because it’s not what Cuddle Fairy is about.
I make a point to share products & places to stay that we genuinely love! Many of the reviews on Cuddle Fairy are for products that I have been using for years and are happy with.
If we haven’t used a product before, I research the product’s website. I read ingredients & I consider if it’s something I’d buy myself and if it’s something I think would be valuable for my readers to learn about.
Being honest I turn down about half of the opportunities that come into my inbox. I refuse to review any food or drink that we wouldn’t consume ourselves. We are super fussy about wholesome ingredients so that has cut out the bulk of food reviews.
The same mentality goes for toys, hotels, restaurants, beauty and other products that I feature on my blog or social media. If it’s something I’d pay for, then I go for it. If not, then I don’t.
My fussiness about what the collaborations I agree to means that 99% of products or places we review we really love because they are things we’d buy and use ourselves! Despite my best screening efforts a couple of things have arrived that I wasn’t happy with & wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending to you.
So… what happens in the 1% of times when I’m not happy with a product? Thankfully this has only happened a hand full of times. In those cases, I contacted the company or PR I was dealing with and let them know the issues that I had with the product. I leave it up to them if they’d like me to write a review with my issues included or if they’d rather I not write a review at all. It’s been unanimous that they’d prefer I not write a review at all; so I didn’t.
I’m not on a mission to write negative reviews and would happily avoid that by screening carefully what I agree to feature on my blog. And by giving the brand a chance for the negative review to not appear online. If they had said to go ahead with the review then I would have written an honest review, because I had agreed to write it. And I’d include all of my issues with the product because I’d never recommended a product I wouldn’t use myself.
I don’t feel like I have to write negative reviews to prove myself or to prove that I have a full range of opinions. Every brand out there is someone’s baby & I don’t want to put bad publicity up for someone just because something doesn’t suit me or because I found fault with it. And that’s what Cuddle Fairy is about – positivity & promoting positive things.
I want you to know that all of my reviews are truthful & are of things I genuinely have liked.
So there you have it! That’s my review policy. 🙂 Thanks for reading & remember there is positivity around every corner. xx