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Writer's pictureHanna Kirkpatrick

The Happiness Series with Candyfloss & Dreams

I’m delighted to welcome Kat from Candyfloss & Dreams to the Happiness Series this week. Kat writes about travel, family life & reviews of products she loves. She answered the Happiness Series interview questions. Here is what Candyfloss & Dreams says about happiness…

1. Name three things in life that make you happy. And, please tell us a little about each one.

Books! Reading has been such a huge part of my life, I’ve always had my nose stuck in a book. Holidays – we are a family that holiday, weekends away, caravans, hotels, beaches, cruises it doesn’t matter what or where…I love seeing all parts of the country and, hopefully, eventually I’ll see the world! Fluffy socks – there’s nothing quite like getting in from a cold, wet day and changing into a nice fresh pair of warm, fluffy socks!

2. What’s something you do to find your happiness when you’ve lost it?

I try and get myself in a calm space when I’m feeling particularly worked up, anxious or worried and remind myself that I’ve got a lot to be happy and grateful for. Can’t beat a hot bubble bath and a cuppa either.

candyfloss & dreams

3. What cheers you up after a long, difficult day?

I suppose I should mention that my family makes me pretty happy at some point…a little cliched but my daughter can really cheer me up, especially with her singing, bad jokes or listening to her read – I’m in awe of the fact that she can read now, it’s amazing, she only started school last September.

candyfloss & dreams

4. Does your job make you happy? If you are a SAH parent, does that make you happy?

It really does. I gave up being a full-time employee last April because of all the stress with childcare, shift work and just generally not having that work-life balance we want. I now work from home as a copywriter and dabble in network marketing which really does make me happy. I love the freedom, I love the rush of working to a deadline and most of all I love the flexibility I have.

5. Share a happy memory with us.

Oh…probably the first time my partner and daughter started really getting to know each other. We had been dating for a few months and my partner had met Mini Kat a few times for an hour or two as I wanted to slowly introduce them but we decided to do a day trip to a local zoo. She was a little tough but he was so wonderful with her and took her to jump in muddy puddles. That evening we spent a bit of time at his house and I listened to him read her a story about dinosaurs and answer all her questions. It was a lovely, heartwarming moment and it was so lovely to know he had fully accepted me as a mother and my daughter. Three years on and apparently she still sneaks out of bed for midnight cuddles with him!

6. Do you think money can bring happiness?

This is always a tough one but yes I do. I don’t think you need to be a millionaire but living comfortably can relieve a little stress from daily life and allows you to afford things without worry for the family. And Holidays! But I think without someone to spend the money with, it won’t bring you happiness.

candyfloss & dreams

7. Is your happiness influenced by the things you do or the way you think?

I think so yes. I try to catch myself when I’m thinking negatively and change the thought process or it makes me stress or creates a bad atmosphere. Happy thoughts, happy life!

8. Which would make you the happiest – a sun holiday, new car or a new job opportunity?


9. Which wine makes you happier – red or white? ?

Red! Mulled, Sangria, On its own…always red!

10. Share a quote that makes you smile.

“To the world, you might only be one person, but to one person you might mean the world.”

I’m Kat, mother of one very strong-willed daughter and love blogging about our family life and travels. I’m currently putting together some ideas for a novel, blogging has helped give me the confidence to pursue my dream of writing for a living! Find Kat at her blog, Candyfloss & Dreams, on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

If you would like to take part in the Happiness Series by contributing a happiness post or by answering the happiness interview questions, I’d love to have you! Find out more details on The Happiness Series Page.

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