I’m so happy to welcome Jessica Powell from Babi a Fi to The Happiness Series! Jess is a busy mum & counsellor. I always enjoy reading her blogs, especially her wonderfully positive quotes! Jess has answered The Happiness Series interview. Here is Babi a Fi on happiness…
1. Name three things in life that make you happy. And, please tell us a little about each one.
☆ Marianna. My little girl arrived on New Year’s Day 2015, turned my life upside down and sideways, and somehow convinced me that I could be happy even at 3am with vomit on my shoulder.
☆ My Friends and Family. I’m lumping them all together here, but each and every one of them makes me happy in their own special ways. Even Bracken the dog, when she’s not trying to steal the third thing on my list…
☆ Jaffa Cakes. The world would be a cold, dark place without them.
2. What’s something you do to find your happiness when you’ve lost it?
I’ve fallen behind with this lately, but when I was younger I used to have a ‘happiness jar’. Every time I had a nice compliment, or succeeded with something, I’d write it on a slip of paper, fold it up, and put it in the jar. Then, when I was feeling down, I’d tip the jar out and look back over all the little moments of happiness. It sounds like self-help claptrap, I know, but it really worked for me.
3. What cheers you up after a long, difficult day?
Having a cwtch with Marianna. I never realised until I became a mum how much difference a single gap-toothed smile could make to my day!
4. Does your job make you happy? If you are a SAH parent, does that make you happy?
I wouldn’t say my job makes me happy, exactly, but it doesn’t make me unhappy which has to be the next best thing! I’m an elected councillor for Torfaen County Borough Council, and I love that I get to be involved with making policy decisions that affect everyone around me. But, on the other hand, when budgets are as tight as they are and some of those decisions are not the ones you would like to make… that can be really depressing.
5. Share a happy memory with us.
My granddad made me the most gorgeous doll house when I was young, and I have so many happy memories of playing with it and making (dubious looking) furniture and soft furnishings. I’m still obsessed with miniatures, though these days I generally prefer to browse Etsy and get other people to make stuff for me.
6. Do you think money can bring happiness?
I don’t think money can buy happiness, but it can certainly get you security and peace of mind. There’s a reason why debt and depression tend to go hand in hand, after all.
7. Is your happiness influenced by the things you do or the way you think?
Yes. I’ve struggled with clinical depression, on and off, all my adult life so I would never say that positive thinking is all there is to it, but it can definitely make a difference. When I’m in a good frame of mind I try to keep it going by eating well, and getting out in the fresh air. Especially on those rare occasions in south Wales when it stops raining!
8. Which would make you the happiest – a sun holiday, new car or a new job opportunity?
Sun holiday! I don’t drive, so a car would be pretty pointless, and I quite like my job.
9. Which wine makes you happier – red or white?
Red. 🙂
10. Share a quote that makes you smile.
When she’s not busy with the 5000th rendition of that timeless classic ‘Wheels on the Bus’ (go round and round), Jess blogs about life, love, motherhood and miniatures. Find Jess on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.
If you would like to take part in the Happiness Series by contributing a happiness post or by answering the happiness interview questions, I’d love to have you! Find out more details on The Happiness Series Page.