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Our Visit to Dublin Zoo 2016

The family & I had a fun trip to Dublin Zoo in October 2016. We got to see all of the adorable animals & thoroughly enjoyed our visit there. We also really enjoyed our lunch at the Zoo’s Meercat Cafe.

Our day started at the ticket desk where we were given handy foldable maps of the zoo. The kids enjoyed directing the way around the beautiful lakes & scenic paths, seeing gorgeous animals along the way.

Dublin Zoo is kept impeccably clean. I was really impressed by how well the zoo is looked after. The pathways were all spotlessly clean, as were the animal enclosures.

The animal enclosures are filled with nature’s beauty as are the pathways around the zoo. My favourite was the paths around the elephant enclosure – it felt like we were in another country, on safari!

Have a look at my two-minute video to see all of the adorable animals & the natural beauty of Dublin Zoo, including the beautiful walk around the elephant enclosure…

As you can see from the video, we got to see so many animals up close & personal! We were delighted with how close we were to the penguins, hippo, tigers, gorillas, monkeys & so many others. Seeing the animals so close was a big hit with the kiddies.

Another big hit was the beautiful playgrounds scattered all over Dublin Zoo. It made for a fun mix of looking at the animals & playing. The large playground was amazing & the three kiddies loved the super long slide.

Lunch at Meercat Cafe was really lovely. We got a table right near the glass & could watch the Meercats watching us! It was interesting to see how they took turns standing guard on top of the rock, digging & watching the kids who were watching them in turn.


I see in the Zoo News, that Santa is coming to Dublin Zoo at the end of this month & will be visiting right up to Christmas, along with some of his elves. The zoo is setting up a lovely grotto for him to meet the kiddies. After meeting Santa, the kids can explore the zoo.

If you find yourself in Dublin, I’d highly recommend a trip to the zoo! It’s a lovely, natural zoo to explore & enjoy seeing the animals right up close.

Disclosure: We were very kindly guests of Dublin Zoo, but as always all opinions are my own.

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