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Writer's pictureBecky O'Haire

October 2018 Happenings

Well October blew by at top speed I still can’t believe it’s midway into November I just don’t know where October went. So, without further ado, here’s what we got up to (I love that it accidentally rhymes lol). Right, here are highlights from our October…


I doubt you could have missed our trip to Crete as it was everywhere on my social media and blog. The 5 of us enjoyed a luxury week stay at the Kiani Beach Resort in Crete. We went on some family adventures and unwound by the pool. Check out my YouTube review of Kiani Beach Resort & see our excursions in the video below.

My Best Friend’s Wedding

One of my besties got married on Halloween. It was an autumnal themed wedding with beautiful decorations and a stunning bride. She and her new husband were only here for one week so I spent most days with them. It was a busy, whirlwind week that has left so many lovely memories. Here are a few photos from the big day…

Speaking of autumnal, I ended up getting involved in a big discussion on Instagram on the use of the word, autumnal. It turned into some of the most fun I’ve had on insta in a long time with lots of messages, debates and laughs. I created an autumnal highlight on my Instagram if you missed it lol

Swimsuits from Simply Be

The lovely people at Burrell PR and Simply Be sent me a few swimsuits and tops for me to wear in Crete. Unfortunately, they didn’t arrive until after we got home, so I have them ready and waiting for the next holiday. I’ve tried them on and both fit great….Now it’s just to choose somewhere sunny to go!! 🙂 For anyone going away, check out Simply Be for swimsuits, they have a huge range to choose from in a wide variety of sizes.

simply be swimsuits

New Look in my Office

I have a beautiful new quote sticker from JR Decal on the wall of my office. You all know how much I adore quotes so this was a really lovely gift to get to pick one out. It was surprisingly easy to apply the sticker and I think it’s a lovely addition to my workspace.

Win One! I ordered two of these for fear I’d tear it while applying. But the application was so simple I now have a second sticker here which I am giving away on Twitter. Check out this tweet to enter for your chance to win it!

Christmas is Coming

It’s like Christmas has exploded all over the town. It’s full-on Christmas fever. And the kids, of course, have been browsing toys and games in the search of the perfect items for their Christmas wish lists. I’m thinking of getting them to finalize their lists and get them sent in the next week or so – the earlier the better I think.

I’ve also realized that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Usually, I have some family over and do a big Thanksgiving dinner but I’m thinking of going more low key this year as there is something on every weekend in November.

Christmas Giveaways – I have started my pre-Christmas giveaways over on my giveaways page. I have a new one launching tonight and another big one on Friday & more after that so keep an eye and check back to my giveaways page so you don’t miss out!

I think that’s it. We have a busy November too. Tell me what you got up to in the comments below. xx

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