collaborative guest post
Were you aware that up to one in every six child will experience some type of developmental issue during the Early Years Foundation Stage? The best way to prevent long-term issues is to be able to spot any warning signs that could suggest a problem.
What types of methods can be used and how will these ultimately impact the health and overall well-being of a child? Let's look at some professional suggestions.
Appreciating the Different Types of Developmental Delays
Every child is different and it, therefore, makes sense that each one will exhibit delays in his or her unique manner. Having said these, these stumbling blocks can still be broken down into a handful of categories:
Language and speech
Motor skills
Social and emotional
Note that some of these delays may occur in conjunction with others. For instance, a child with poor motor skills is often less likely to participate in group activities; leading to issues in relation to social development and emotional well-being.
Speak with Parents
Not all children will exhibit issues within classroom settings. This situation can be even more confounded when we remember that teachers may be dealing with dozens of students at any given time. It is, therefore, crucial to speak with parents.
Ask them about any odd behaviours or learning hindrances that they may have observed within home settings. Teachers can then use this insight to closely monitor the child at school. Parents will undoubtedly provide invaluable levels of insight.
Separating Normal Behaviour from That Which May Require Intervention
Each child will naturally develop at his or her own pace. While there is nothing wrong with slightly lagging behind, problems may begin to emerge when this child cannot keep up with his or her peers. Certain criteria are therefore examined.
For instance, children who are four years old should be able to manipulate a crayon, ride a tricycle and catch a ball overhead (motor skills). Children of five years should become actively involved in fantasy play, understand simple instructions and be capable of concentrating on a task for more than five minutes (cognitive skills).
Teachers and parents can accurately assess these and other metrics with the help of the Educater pupil progress tracker. Specific behavioural patterns can be noted within real-time scenarios. These observations may thereafter be analysed in order to determine if the child in question requires more targeted assistance.
A Positive Prognosis
Please note that there can still be times when developmental shortcomings will improve on their own. However, other children may require additional help and guidance. If this assistance is provided in a knowledgeable and proactive manner, the chances are high that a positive outcome will be achieved.
We are constantly learning more about how developmental issues can often translate into adulthood, so an ounce of prevention will certainly go a long way towards ensuring future success and happiness.