Today is the day! I am off to London for Brit Mums Live 2016!! It’s a bit bazaar writing that sentence because as I type this out, it’s actually 6 days until I am leaving. But I can tell you right now that I am over excited about this trip!!
This is the first time in a long time that I have headed off on an airplane by myself! It’s not just Brit Mums Live that has me super excited. It’s the staying at a hotel, meeting blogger friends & attending the awards ceremony. And so much more! If you missed Monday’s post, I listed out my schedule for the weekend. It is jammed pack with fun & learning.
I’m Excited for Brit Mums Live & I Just Can’t Hide it!

Thanks so much for all of your amazing support, for your votes & for reading my blog & social media posts. I hope you enjoy seeing the fun this weekend!
Join me on my travels, inside the UK’s biggest blogging conference, the award ceremony, dinners out & all of the fun by following Cuddle Fairy’s social media. The majority of updates will be done on my Twitter; check out #BML16 & #BiBs2016. There will also be plenty to see on Cuddle Fairy’s Facebook, Instagram & Snapchat (cuddlefairy1).