collaborative guest post
Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects the brain and spinal cord and, unfortunately, there is no cure. However, there are many ways of managing it, and plenty of things you can do to prevent it from developing in the first place. This condition is usually diagnosed in someone in their thirties or forties, so it’s not something you’re born with.

Typical MS symptoms
Symptoms vary considerably but include extreme tiredness, eye problems, numbness or tingling, muscle cramps and problems with concentration or memory, among other issues.
Although there is no single test to diagnose this condition, a neurologist typically uses multiple assessments to identify it.
There are three main kinds of MS – relapsing or remitting involving flare-ups and periods of remission, and secondary progressive, in which symptoms are always there and become slowly worse. Finally, primary progressive, which is less common, is where symptoms worsen over time. In these cases, there are no periods of remission.
What are the main risk factors?
A child doesn’t directly inherit MS from a parent, and because more than 200 genes could affect your chances of developing it, genes are only part of the story.
Risk factors include age, biological sex, smoking, whether someone else in your family has MS (although that’s only a small risk factor), obesity and some environmental aspects. These include having low levels of vitamin D, while some evidence suggests certain viruses, and possibly bacteria, could contribute to someone contracting MS. (One example is the Epstein Barr virus which also causes glandular fever.)
What can you do to prevent MS?
MS can be tough to live with. But the good news in terms of MS prevention is that there are things you can do to minimise your chances of ever contracting it, while also potentially warding off other chronic health problems:
1.) Smoking
Research indicates that you’re more likely to get MS as a smoker. Equally, if you have the relapsing kind of MS and manage to quit smoking, this could slow down the speed at which your MS develops into the secondary progressive version.
2.) Obesity
There are studies linking MS with being overweight or obese, particularly among children or young adults. Theories behind this include the fact some people who fall into this category don’t have enough vitamin D, while obesity can also cause inflammation and lead to an overactive immune system.
Clearly not everyone who is overweight goes on to have MS. But, like smoking, this is a lifestyle factor which it is within your power to change.
And eating a better diet is always a smart health move anyway. Try to eat foods that are low in saturated fats, and consider taking Omega-3 fatty supplements.
3.) Vitamin D
This is another lifestyle factor which you can absolutely do something about. Take a daily supplement – the UK government recommends doing this during the winter months.
Equally, when the sun is shining, get outside and absorb as much of that gorgeous sunlight as you possibly can.
4.) Manage stress
Stress may not be a direct risk factor, but long-term or excessive stress can affect your health. And some research suggests that stress can potentially worsen symptoms, while making it more likely that those with MS relapse. So management is always vital for general wellbeing and can help mitigate the impact of multiple sclerosis.
Finally, one thing you may not have thought of is the overall benefit a wellbeing speaker can have. Book a session with one and you may find yourself inspired by their holistic approach to mental and physical health. They take an overall view of issues including smoking cessation, diet and exercise and handling stress, all of which can be key to preventing and managing MS.
These speakers also work well for talking to groups, for example your staff if you run a business. After all, the reality is that anyone, and anyone’s family, can be affected by MS at any time.