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Children’s Past Lives: How To Recognize And Interpret The Signs

Are you curious how past lives affect children?   

Do you wonder if your child’s behaviour or experiences are past life-related?   

You’re not alone. Throughout history, various civilizations and anecdotes have discussed adults and children remembering past lives. This is what they call reincarnation, the belief that the soul is reborn into a new body after death. 

According to this notion, specific individuals may retain memories, emotions, or traits from their previous lives. Understanding that indications are linked to a past life can help you understand your child. However, how can you identify signs of prior lifetimes in children?

Childhood memories and imagination might be hard to discern.  If you’re interested in this subject, this article is for you. Here, you'll uncover intriguing clues about this phenomenon and gain insights on addressing and supporting your child through their past experiences. Continue reading!

Recognizing The Signs 

Let’s start with these seven clues of former lives in children:  

1. Recurring Dreams Or Nightmares 

Children remembering past lives most likely manifest in recurring dreams. Have you noticed your youngster having the same nightmares or dreams? Reliving past events in dreams may reveal former lives. 

For instance, your youngster dreams about Mediaeval or Ancient Egypt. They visit pyramids, temples, and tombs in their dreams wearing loincloths or robes. Maybe their subconscious is recalling past events.  

2. Spontaneous Memories Or Statements 

Imagine your child suddenly chatting about individuals or situations they’ve never encountered. They may explain vivid facts and emotions as if they experienced them.   

Picture this: your child loves discussing a historical figure’s life, achievements, or experiences. They often talk about Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address or Cleopatra’s personal life. They might also mention seeing the Declaration of Independence or the Titanic. Their spontaneous memories or statements may expose their past lives, making them intriguing. 

3. Unexplained Phobias 

Every person has fears and phobias, but some children’s fears seem to go beyond usual childhood anxiety. Your child’s intense fear of something unrelated to their current existence may be a remnant from a past life. 

For example, your child may have an unexplained phobia of snakes or spiders despite never encountering them. This fear could be from a traumatic experience with these animals that caused this fear.   

Another instance is if your child is terrified of fire despite never being in fire-related incidents. This phobia could arise after being scorched in a fire in a previous lifetime. Understanding that these phobias are from a past life may help your child overcome them. 

4. Strong Connection With Others 

Have you ever seen your youngster instantly bond with someone they’ve just met? It’s as if they’ve known each other for ages. Shared past life experiences may explain this deep and unexplained connection.   

Let’s say your child may form a close attachment with a stranger. Imagine visiting India and your youngster bonds with a local guide they just met. This could be because, in a prior life, they had a close friendship or essential experience in that place. 

Sometimes, a child may even refer to a stranger as a friend or family member from a past lifetime. While this may seem strange to outsiders, it could signify your child’s intuitive link to past life relationships. 

5. Adult-Like Behaviours 

Children are constantly growing, but sometimes, they exhibit behaviours and preferences that seem mature for their ages. Your child’s adult-like traits and interests could reflect their past life experiences.  

For example, your child might talk about how to fly the Mitsubishi A6M Zero or the intricacies of a historical event from decades or centuries ago. They may also enjoy playing classical music on a cassette or vinyl record player. This advanced knowledge or taste could be attributed to their experiences in prior lifetimes. 

6. Out-Of-Place Talents 

Imagine your youngster suddenly showing fantastic talent or skill. This unusual talent may indicate a prior life influencing the present. 

For instance, your child might showcase extraordinary musical abilities without formal training. Imagine bringing your little one to a resort with a lounge, and they start performing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 or Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik on the piano with ease. This could be a carryover of their expertise from a previous life. 

7. Birthmarks Or Distinct Physical Features 

Birthmarks and distinct physical features may signify injuries and traumas from a past lifetime. Let’s say your child has a birthmark in the same area they claim to have been wounded in war. Perhaps they’re experiencing discomfort in their right arm or leg, suggesting their soul retains memories from a previous life. 

Unique physical traits might also reveal former incarnations. Your child’s jawline, eye shape, haircut, or skin colour may be unusual for your family. This sign may suggest their soul has lived several lifetimes. 

Interpreting These Signs 

Now that you know some indicators your child may have lived before, it’s vital to be sensitive and open-minded. Here are five tips to help you make sense of these clues: 

  • Listen And Validate: When your child exhibits adult-like behaviours, out-of-place talents, or talks about past life memories, listen to them without dismissing them. Validate their feelings and try to understand their perspective. 

  • Research And Educate Yourself about reincarnation and past life experiences. Read books and articles, and consult experts in the field to learn more. This will help you support your child better and provide appropriate guidance. 

  • Seek Professional Help: If your child’s experiences are distressing or interfering with their everyday life, consider consulting a child psychologist or previous life regression therapist. They can help your child manage their unique imagination and experiences. 

  • Encourage Exploration And Self-Reflection: Let your youngster explore their strengths and interests. Help them pursue their passions, whether music, history, or other fields. This will improve their skills and let them embrace their past. 

  • Foster A Supportive Environment: Give your youngster a place to express themselves. Surround them with open-minded friends and relatives who value their experiences. Your child will feel safe and loved in this environment. 

Remember, the most important thing is to support and love your child unconditionally as they navigate their unique experiences and find their path in this lifetime. As their parent, you must be an ally through their journey, no matter how extraordinary it may seem. 

Wrapping Up The Exploration Of Children’s Reincarnation 

In conclusion, studying children’s pasts—birthmarks, features, and memories—is intriguing and thought-provoking. However, caution is needed when discussing this topic.

Reincarnation research can reveal fresh insights, but your child’s well-being comes first. 

If you notice signs suggesting a connection to a previous life, seeking professional guidance is crucial. You can responsibly handle this complex topic with mental health support to safeguard your child’s wellness. 

About Becky



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