It’s back to the blog for me today! The kiddies have gone back to school after a fun and relaxing Christmas break.
I quite like looking back on my old blog stats & goals from past years, so I’m going to write one for 2017. It’s exciting to see how much my little Cuddle Fairy has grown in a year! You can catch up with my 2015 blog stat review & 2016 blog stat review if you missed them.
I will give you a few of my blog stats then let you know what my goals were for 2017 & if I met them! So here we go…
Fun Stats from 2017
My top three commenters from 2017 were Shank You Very Much, My Random Musings & Musings of a Tried Mummy. Thanks so much for your comment love ladies!! x
My most viewed post of 2017 was my Fingerlings Baby Monkey Unboxing & Review. My second most viewed post was my Cruise Norwegian Breakaway post, which was my most viewed post in 2016 so it’s holding strong. 🙂 Third was My Baby’s Hip Dysplasia which I wrote about our daughter.
Did I meet my 2017 Goals?
In January 2015 my blogging goals were the following, and in red is whether I met that goal….
1. To continue to grow Cuddle Fairy as a business, with more brand collaborations. Yes, I have had lots of fun brand collaborations in 2017!!
2. Branch out in other ways – maybe a book! I still want to write my book but haven’t started yet! Hopefully this year!
3. Continue with my linkys & current schedule of posting. Sadly I said goodbye to my beloved Candid Cuddles quote linky but Blogger Club UK linky is still going strong!
4. Focus on growing Facebook & Pinterest. I did focus on Facebook but still haven’t touched Pinterest, lol aw poor Pinterest is still being ignored!
5. It might be over ambitious but I’m setting myself a 50k follower goal for this year! EEEEKKKKK!!!!! Oh, I came so very close to this but not quite. Cuddle Fairy has just over 48k followers now and I’m thrilled with that!
6. Keep the family / blog balance in check which means not spending every weekend blogging & not over doing it on social media. This I have kept up with most of the year. I did have some busy periods where I was blogging into the night but overall I kept a nice family / blog balance!
Goals for 2018
1. Continue to grow Cuddle Fairy as my business.
2. Start my book! I need to move it from my head to the page 🙂
3. Keep a nice family and blog balance again for 2018.
4. Focus on growing Facebook & Instagram.
5. Focus on my new Cuddle Fairy Positivity Community. It’s a space where we share positive quotes, videos and talk about mindset, pop over here to send a join request & I will add you.
Looking back at 2017, I’m happy with my Cuddle Fairy blog and what I got up to! And I’m excited to see what 2018 brings! xx