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HOW LONG DOES A HEALING SESSION LAST?A healing is 30 or 60 minutes long for an adult. Children and pets sessions can be shorter. A parent must stay with the child or pet during the healing for in-person sessions. For sessions in person or at a distance, we will chat in advance of the healing, where I will tell you what to expect and answer any questions. We can also chat after the session if you’d like further guidance.
WHAT CAN I EXPECT DURING AN ANGEL HEALING?The angelic healing energy is very gentle. Everyone describes it as a very calming and relaxing experience. Some people feel a tingling or sensation at certain areas of their body, usually around one of the 7 main chakras. Many people feel a tightness release during the healing, often in the chest. Some people report seeing colours or energy movement. Others feel the presence of angels and spirit guides. The feelings during the session depend on the sensitivity of the client. No two people are the same and some people feel nothing at all but this doesn’t mean that the healing hasn’t been effective, you will feel what is right for you. The angels will ensure that you have the right and best experience for you. I’ve received the same type of feedback from clients who have experienced hands-on healing and also healing at a distance. You can read client testimonials here.
IS THERE ANYTHING I SHOULD DO TO PREPARE FOR A HEALING?Whether you are coming to see me in person or having a distance healing, consider wearing something comfortable for the session. If you are receiving at a distance, consider having some relaxing or mediation type music to listen to during the healing. If you have something particular in mind you’d like to focus on with the healing you can let me know. And definitely let the angels know, set your intention to the healing working on the particular areas you’d like to be healed. The true healing comes from within yourself so setting your intention to healing makes a big difference.
HOW WILL I FEEL AFTER A HEALING?Everyone is different so they have different reactions. Many people say they have a feeling of well-being and feel lighter in the days after the healing. Most people report feeling calmer, lighter, a more relaxed headspace, anxiety lifted, physical pain or issues reduced. Many people feel like a burden has been lifted and report a great nights sleep and a sense of wellbeing after. Because we are all different, you might not have those same feelings or may feel different emotions as part of the healing process. A few people report feeling sad or crying, and a purging of emotions for a day or two. And after that, feeling a weight being lifted. All of these reactions and feelings in the days after the healing are positive and are the mental, physical and emotional bodys ways of integrating the energy shift they have received.
HOW DOES ENERGY HEALING WORK?Healing can not be forced upon anyone. I act as a channel between client and Source. It is up to the client’s energy system and body to accept the energies and allow healing to take place. A healer doesn’t do the healing, the healer just makes the connection and facilitates the healing for the client. Because our four bodies are all interconnected, an energy healing works on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and energetic. During an Angel healing, each chakra is cleared and its corresponding Light energy is infused to the chakra which removes blocks and rejuvenates it. The Divine Angels of Light each correspond to an individual chakra according to its colour (ie red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo, violet and White Light for the soul chakra). These are the Angels who bring each of the 7 Rays of Light from Source to Earth. Those Angels provide the Light that cleanses each chakra during the healing. The angels also give energetic gifts to the client. The healing concludes with pyramids of energy being formed over each chakra which makes the healing energy last much longer than other energy healings. A Violet Flame healing uses the Violet Ray to transmute karma and dense energies from the client, again with me as a channel between the client and Source. On the physical level, the violet flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. The Violet Flame not only cleanses you, it also helps accelerate or enhance your spiritual development. Natural Energy Healing is my personal blend of energy healing that works to remove blocks, past life energy, attachments and other clearings. It can be used on individuals and also on your home to clear out old energy and bring in new, and protective energy. Along with this, crystal and energetic grids can be made for houses and properties. All of these healings can be done in person or at a distance. Contact me to discuss your needs and which type of healing is best for you.
HOW DOES A DISTANCE HEALING WORK?In order to understand a distance healing, let’s talk about our energy. Everything is made up of energy, the whole world, including ourselves. And a healing is cleansing and rejuvenating energy which can be accessed from anywhere. That’s why the healing doesn’t need to be done in person. The healer simply channels Source Energy to the client, wherever they may be. Angels aren’t limited to space and time like we are so they are able to work through me to the client directly even when we aren’t in the same physical space. A remote or distance healing treatment works in the same way that an in-person healing session works. We have a set appointment time. We can speak on the phone or text to begin the session where I can explain and answer any questions. Then the client relaxes in a comfortable position to receive the healing. Listening to relaxing music is helpful. Clients have reported similar experiences during a distance healing that they do at an in-person healing. You might feel sensations like tingling and feel deep sense of relaxation, calm and peace during the session. For a deeper sense of what the experience is like, read through client testimonials.
HOW IS ANGEL HEALING DIFFERENT TO REIKI?Angel healing does not use symbols like a Reiki healing does. Rather, an Angel healing draws Light from Source to each chakra for cleansing and rejuvenation. The energies channeled are of a much higher (angelic and Source) frequency in an Angel healing than Reiki. Also, an Angel Healing opens and connects your Soul Chakra which helps you to release fears, and to focus on your soul path, and life purposes and brings calm and clarity. The Soul Chakra is not addressed in Reiki or other healings I have seen. An angel healing is a very calm, peaceful and loving experience. And aids in connecting you with your angels and Source.
HOW MANY SESSIONS WILL I NEED?Some people only require one healing session and other people find they’d like additional sessions. It comes totally down to the individual and how s/he feels going forward. There is no set number of recommended sessions, everyone decides for themselves.
DO I NEED TO FOLLOW A CERTAIN RELIGION FOR AN ANGEL HEALING TO WORK?Absolutely not. Angels don’t belong to any religion. Angel is simply the name we place on energy that comes from God / the Source. We all are blessed to have a Guardian Angel who is always there for us. This is true whether you ever acknowledge your Guardian Angel or not. Read up more on how to connect with your Guardian Angel. What’s most important for any type of healing is that the client believes it will help. And the client is open and ready to let go of the issues bothering them and are ready to make a shift. An energetic healing will support changes and growth along with positive thinking, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices.
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