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My Story
Cuddle Fairy
Hello and welcome to Cuddle Fairy. I am Becky O’Haire, originally from NY, I now live in the beautiful West of Ireland in County Mayo, with my husband, kids and our dogs.

How Cuddle Fairy Began
I started Cuddle Fairy as a parenting and lifestyle blog in 2015 with the intention to help others with their mindset and to share our family lifestyle in the West of Ireland. I wanted a name that felt like a warm hug and I adore fairies and angels and so with that, ‘Cuddle Fairy’ was born.
Cuddle Fairy blog and social media channels gained popularity quite quickly and I have had the privilege of working with a lot of great brands via my blog over the years.
Cuddle Fairy has evolved since my spiritual awakening to encapsulate all aspects of myself and I’m certain this space will continue to grow and change with me.
I believe it’s very important to honour all aspects of ourselves. To allow ourselves to be multi-faceted and multi-dimensional and to not hold ourselves in a box, limited by the idea of who we have always been. For that reason, I keep everything I have to offer in one place - my lifestyle content as well as my services and handmade energy products.

My Awakening
I had a spiritual awakening in 2016. At the time, I had no idea what a spiritual awakening even was or what was happening to me. All I know is that my entire world blew open and I learned how much more there is to life than the physical world we see.
As a child I was quite open spiritually but I also used to be afraid a lot so I drew a line over that side of me and ignored it as much as I could. That is until my awakening experience when I couldn’t ignore any longer.
After working through fears, I learned that the energetic world of Light, Angels and the Divine is all around us. We each have a Guardian Angel who is with us constantly and never leaves us.
I began to receive images and messages from my Angels and Guides. And learned how to channel and work with energy.
My life has changed for the better since my awakening because of my energy shift but also because of my deeper connection with the Angels and Spirit. Realizing that I am never alone, that none of us are ever alone, is a comforting and amazing thing. Taking time to connect with our spiritual side each day has been a gift and has helped me so much on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. All we have to do is ask, and the universe is here to help.
During this awakening process, I’ve overcome a lot of fears and limiting beliefs and learned a lot about what it takes to become self-empowered and sovereign.
My Sessions
During my awakening process, I overcame a lot of fears and learned a lot about what it takes to become self-empowered and sovereign.
I've learned how to work through limiting beliefs, emotions and my mindset. I self reflect and take ownership of my life and my beliefs. I started making tangible, positive changes by stepping out of the suffering mindset and into the fullness of my intuition and ability to manifest.
I work with my clients to help them to support them on their path to self-empowerment and sovereignty. I assist my clients in stepping onto their soul path by clearing blockages and patterns from their energy fields and sharing Angel Activations.
As a reader, I offer readings using cards that bring guidance as well as direct messages from the Angels. I connect to the client’s Guardian Angel and Guides along with my Angels and Guides.
My goal is always to help people to go within themself during sessions because everything is within us. Our power, our connection to Source and to Earth and to our higher selves is all within.
My clients transform through this work into a state of empowerment, and into the fullness of their potential and their soul purpose.

Certified Practioner
I have had the great pleasure of learning directly from my Angels and Guides. I’ve also completed practitioner courses and energetic attunements. I am attuned to the angelic frequencies of the Archangels, Seraphim Angels and the Violet Flame. I’m trained in QTTT which is a trauma healing / soul retrieval therapy as well as trained by Aiden Storey in Angel Healing.
I have combined my learning and training together to offer my clients well-rounded sessions to suit their individual needs.