I was so late to publish my March round up post that I can’t believe I’m writing my April at a glance post already! That month flew by! It has been super busy & also very fun!
The month started with celebrating our oldest son turning 9 years old. We had a Minecraft themed birthday party for him. We made a Minecraft board game together which was all my son’s idea. I wrote a post explaining how to make a Minecraft board game & it’s had a wonderful response! It is great to take a fun game off the tablet & into reality. It made our day when two fabulous bloggers tweeted me photos of their own son’s making Minecraft board games. They both look fantastic!

The photo on the left is from Queen of my Castle & the photo on the right is from Mess and Merlot.
Early in April, I had a girls weekend away with my sister in laws & my mother in law. There are 8 of us all together. We spent a night at the Ocean Sands Hotel in Enniscrone. We had this amazing view of the ocean from our room. The sunset was unreal!

It was a real treat to eat, drink, shop & chat without any kiddies for a night. On Sunday, we had afternoon tea at Mount Falcon Estate which was amazing – complete with bubbles. Bottom right is our elevator selfie.

We had a handful of beautiful days in April where we could get outside with sunglasses on! Most of the month was rainy so we really embraced the sunny days. The kids & I went off to the park one day, got ice creams & had a full day out in town. They said they felt like we were on holidays. And that’s what it was like! It really is amazing what a huge difference the sunshine makes to everyone’s mood & to what you can get up to in a day.

The big event for our family happened on the last weekend in April when our oldest son made his first holy communion. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining. The children did such an excellent job during the mass. Our son carried a candle to the altar. After the ceremony was over, we had the family over for dinner & drinks. This was the first round of food. You can see his cake in the background. Thankfully, my sister in laws helped so much with the cooking & dishes. I really enjoyed having everyone to the house. The kids could play & we could relax for the afternoon & evening.

Our son has been wanting a Berg Go-Kart for years, his cousins all have them & they are a really great toy for country kids. He decided to buy one with some of his communion money. One go-kart among three kids would have been a total disaster so we bought an early birthday present for our 6-year old & a spare seat for our daughter – all second hand. Our daughter is thrilled with her seat! When the boys show off their new go-karts she says “look daddy got me a seat!”

The boys are off school this week so they have been flat out driving their new go-karts. It’s a great start to the month of May!
I hope you had a fabulous April too! x